You can measure a man by the opposition it takes to discourage him. - Robert C. Savage
I definitely need to work on this. Last weekend I was headed up to meet Ryan in Park City (for one night) for a work retreat he had. I dropped my kids off early at a friends house so that I could enjoy a little "Me" time, while Ryan was at a golf tournament. I began my time at the mall (purchased some new jeans, yeah!) then headed up to the beautiful P.C. The scenery was beautiful, the town was quaint and the hills were starting to show their autumn colors. Beautiful. All except for one thing - the directions I printed out. They said to go to the round about and take the second exit. Well, the first exit was a "no entry exit" So, did that one count? I didn't know so I didn't count that exit and drove up two exits later. Drove up those little roads as far as I could until it curved me back around to the round about. Didn't find the hotel. So I went back and took the previous exit. Drove all the way to the top of that road, until I thought I was going to fall off. Still didn't find the hotel. So I went BACK to the third exit and STILL DIDN'T FIND IT! It is very confusing, driving up all those little roads on different sides of the mountains! I was feeling discouraged and frustrated. I had realized that all the "Me" time I allowed for (for "reading" or "projects") was wasted! I told myself not to cry. Now, I've been trying to work on being more positive lately and I found myself having a talk with myself over this silly situation. I said to myself, "Self, don't cry. This is not a big deal. Just laugh about it! Don't let it ruin your night." Well, I finally called Ryan and he offered to meet me somewhere. I managed to get over it as he led our way to the hotel. As soon as we started walking into the hotel, I forgot my woes and we ended up having a great time. I am a work in progress and thankfully I have a husband that doesn't seem to hold my faults against me. But, if that quote has any truth - I really have to toughen up (and learn to look out for interesting side streets!)
Thought for the day...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
I rode the bus! Yeah, I rode the bus! Uh huh!
His teacher told me, yesterday, that he is a natural leader. She said, when he is doing good and on track, everyone is doing good. When he is talking or not doing what he is suppose to be doing, then everyone else is too." I guess we'll have to work on the negative side of that and encourage the positive part more often.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
She doesn't know I'm doing this, but I just wanted to put a plug in for my Mom, who is an awesome seamstress. She is now selling this awesome boy's "Camo" (5-piece) crib bedding set. Isn't it adorable? She is also selling a girl's camo set (in pinks and greens.) Each set is $400, which is pretty awesome for "Designer" bedding! But, if Camo isn't your thing, she could do a custom set in any fabric of your choice. If any of you are interested (or anyone else you know) then just send me an email.
Quite the Little Diva!
Maya really makes me laugh. Everything she does is done with attitude. The other day she was singing "If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay! Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away!" You wouldn't think that would be a song that you would shake your hips to, but she did - and she worked it! She is such a diva and we love it!
Another time, I had taken her to the doctor's office because she had an earache. Throughout the visit, she had been playing and messing around like most 3 year olds would do during a doctors visit. But then as we were about to leave (and the doctor had just finished up his directions for the prescription) I saw her giving herself some "looks" in the mirror...smiling at herself, striking her most darling poses, etc. Unfortunately the doctor saw her do it too, and I had to just brush it off and say, "She's such a poser."
Here she is, yet again, posing! For the camera, this time. We were just at the park, but for some reason she was in one of her little "I'm a little model" moods. It's funny how kids can go from "striking a pose" to falling off the monkey bars! Maybe she's not the most graceful, but somehow she seems to pull this "Diva" thing right off!

My little sis, Cassie came to visit me a couple of weeks ago. She was visiting from my home state of Washington. I hadn't seen her in a long time. She brought with her, her two little ones Brooklynn and Asher. They are the biggest sweethearts! It was so great to see them, as well as my parents that drove the 12 hours with her. I was sad to see all of them go.
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