
Friday, February 27, 2009

Quote of the day...

Isn't this cute? My little Sis (Cassie) made this for me a few years back and I was just looking through it the other day at all of my quotes that I've been collecting over the years. So, I thought I'd start sharing some of them here on my blog. So, maybe, since it's Friday I'll do this one...
"Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop."
O.K. here are a couple other one's along the same lines.
"Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation. For when you come back to your work, your judgement will be surer."
- Leonardo Da Vinci
"There is more to life than increasing it's speed."
-Mahatma Gandhi

Fabric Monogram

I just had to show my sister-in-law (Brittany's) version of the fabric monogram. Click here for the tutorial. Aren't the round frame and colors so cute!?! She always inspires me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

It won't come off!

What the heck?!? Seriously - I was on the phone for maybe 5 minutes at the most. This is what I found when I got off - actually my neighbor pointed it out to me as she picked up her child from a play date at my house! Aghh! How do I get this off?!?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Table Runner (Class)

So I got myself a new little job (as I like to call it - since I only work about once a week) but it's at a new quilt shop here in UT. It's called Just Sew and it is really fun. It's a great store and I am loving working there. I haven't worked outside the home for about 6 years so it's been an adjustment being on my feet for a long period of time. But, other than that I love it. It's great being around other creative people, seeing all of the projects people are working on and all of the great new fabric that we get in.
So, with my leftover fabric from my "J" project, I designed this little table runner:

I'm going to teach classes for both projects (the framed initial and the table runner), so I'm a little nervous and a little excited. One of the classes will be the 3rd week in March, the other will be the first week of April. Don't know all of the details yet. Hopefully it goes well though. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Found this new blog

I found this cute new blog called LucyKateCrafts.
I fell in love with this little project:

And, this little project:

They're both so cute and she's got tutorials on each one of these projects. How sweet!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gotta Love the Wonder Under

My sweet sister-in-law, Brittany, is always emailing me fun tutorials, project ideas and inspiring photographs. I love her for it. So I just had to do one of these initial projects for the family room, when she sent me the tutorial on it from Nicole at Our Cozy Nest. My dear friends Misty and Keri joined in on the fun and made one for their daughter's bedrooms. I think it took us about 4 hours to get all 3 of them done, but now we're pro (right girls?) It really wasn't hard though - I'm not sure why it took so long...

Here's Misty working on her perfect stitches (no fair!)
Of course Keri always whips her projects out way before the rest of us and of course it is always cute as can be. Love the bright, funky fabrics for Lilly.

Kate's "K" turned out so cute in the shabby chic fabrics.

Mine wasn't quite done at this point...but we had to get a picture before they headed home (at midnight.)

O.K. Now mine is done. Here's my finished project.

It always feel so good to create something...

Children's Valentines

Me and the kids made these the other night for their Valentine's Day Parties at school. It was easy, but kind of time consuming, considering we made 34 total. I had the kids sign the back sides of the tags, count out the pieces of gum, put them in the bags and I put the tags together. It ended up taking a few hours. I was glad when we were finished!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Even Cuter Door-Hanger-Thing

I was browsing through some of my favorite blogs and found these darling door hanger things that really put mine to shame (see below.) Little Birdie Secrets posted pictures of these. They really are so cute. I think this one is my favorite:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Valentine's Day gift for Teachers

Valentine's Day
is just around the corner and here is what I'm giving to my children's teachers.
It's an easy project. Took me five minutes to make. Had all the supplies on hand. I'm done. Check.

It's a little door-hanger-thing.

Just cut a heart shape out of paper. Trace it on to the wrong side of your fabric. Cut out two hearts (I just layered my fabric and cut them both out at the same time.) With wrong sides together, sew around the heart, leaving about a 2-inch opening on one of the straight edges of the heart. Pull inside out. Stuff it as much as you can with pillow stuffing. Hand sew it shut using a coordinating color of thread. To get the ribbon through - use a needle with a large eye (I used a "chenille" needle.) Make a loop. Tie a knot and a bow. Bam. You're done. You can attach a cute little tag if you want -which is what I plan to do sometime before V-day.

The worst part...

The worst part about having your child pull out all of the towels from the towel cupboard is not

The worst part is when they say, "I like cleaning up." Yes, all of the towels did get put back into the cupboard that afternoon, or should I say shoved back into the cupboard. A few days later... I get to spend a nice portion of my day folding towels.

When you have a mischievous child like mine, take caution of these other common household items:
Bars of Soap and Mirror combinations (sorry no picture)

This picture was taken today - Saturday. Note that I did pass by this horse a few other times this week with band aids on his tummy and knees. "Thing 2" must have had quite a hay day with the band aid box. I saw her on two different occasions with band aids on every one of her 10 fingers. Don't call me if you need a band aid. I'm all out. Hmmm. Am I a bad mom because these things keep happening?