I've always got at least a few projects going on. Today it was snowballs. I've been working on this Christmas quilt using up scraps. Here's what I've got so far:
If you come to my house
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I've always got at least a few projects going on. Today it was snowballs. I've been working on this Christmas quilt using up scraps. Here's what I've got so far:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I just love the cover quilt, so I had to get me some of that center fabric. Anyways, long story short (everything is a long story with me...) I found the bolt I wanted at Material Girls and was walking around the store, minding my own business and suddenly Brittany tells me that Heather Bailey is "Here. Today." We waited patiently in line and then spent a few minutes talking with her, seeing her sketch book and checking out her upcoming fabric line (which she had pictures of on her laptop.) I had her sign my fabric which I will eventually be making a little tag out of and stitching to the back of my finished quilt - someday. Memories. Anyways. Very random. And very exciting. After a little Cafe Rio for lunch, we went back to get a picture of us with Heather via Brittany's phone, but unfortunately she had left. Heather was really friendly and down to earth. She is amazingly talented and no wonder she was here in Utah speaking at the Startup Princess convention as the Keynote Speaker. Lucky us that we ran into her that day. The very day I wanted to get me some Rose Bouquet...
Oh, I haven't been posting much the last few days because I've been working on something involving this (and $50 dollars).
Thursday, September 10, 2009
So, as you can imagine, I am also completely thrilled about these two books that she sent along too. I can't wait to get started on making a few of her quilt designs. Both books have a lot of patterns that I would LOVE to make, but if I could only pick a few (time and money - there's usually never enough of either) then I would start with Center of Attention, Buttercup, Baby Bloomer and Secret Garden. I guess I'm in an appliqued-flower-kind-of-mood. But there really are many more from both of these books that I would love to make. You guys should check them out! Great work, Heather!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I'm also in a very good mood because this baby is done (pattern and all)!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The rules are:
*Labels had to be made sometime between August 6th, 2009 and today.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Little Missy