
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Moda Bakeshop Project

Remember that Punctuation fabric that I was playing with a while ago?  Well, my hands were busy making this little project for the Moda Bakeshop.

That's project #2 for the Bakeshop.  Kind of exciting.  Go on over and check out the free tutorial.  I'd love to know what you think!

Also, click HERE to enter my giveaway for a sheet of designer Jamberry Nail shields.  Giveaway ends Friday night at midnight.  Winner will be announced Saturday.

And click HERE to enter my sister's blogiversary giveaway.


  1. i saw this tutorial this morning in my feed reader. it's so cute!

  2. Sooo cute! I saw it on Moda and thought it was adorable.

  3. I seriously NEED this quilt. So cute!
    P.S. The Jamberry post looks AWESOME! Love it.

  4. Saw your project on the Bakeshop and had to visit your site - it's fantastic - I can feel inspriation running through my veins. Now I just need to get home to my sewing machine!:)

  5. Oh Amanda! That is just too cute!! I need to drop by the bake shop and see the tutorial. :o)
    I hope you are having a great day! :o)

  6. Very cute and those Jamberry nail shields look like lots of fun.

  7. It is so cute! I really love the way you hung it, too.

    And those toes are too cute! I am going to buy some for miss jeli!

  8. Congratulations -- it's super cute!!!

  9. saw you through the moda bakeshop - great project! but just had to comment about your 'quote that inspires'....well it has inspired me too! i often get down about the drudgery of domestic life - but i love the idea of doing one thing today that isn't to be repeated!
    thanks for sharing

  10. How cute! I anticipate I'll be needing one of these sometime...xo

  11. I really like this project. But I must admit I had to give myself the chore to make one, I find making a quilt not that easy or quick. But i love this idea.

  12. Amber, I had to go to the 'Bakeshop' and check it out (aren't they just the most wonderful place?) First congratulations on getting another project on Moda, it is wonderful. Second, I love this project. I am going to try it (when I am able to sit at my machine again) but I can tell you I'll have to add more pockets, LOL. Seems as I get older, one of two things is happening...either I am finding more chores to do, or...I'm just getting slower! Any thoughts? LOLOL. Hugs...


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