
Monday, August 27, 2012

Square Root Runner

 A looong time ago, my little quilt group and I had a fat quarter exchange.  Each month we had a theme and each month everyone was suppose to bring one fat quarter that fit that theme.  We would put everyone's name that was participating into a basket and draw a winner.  After you won a set of fat quarters your name wouldn't go into the draw but you would still continue to contribute a fat quarter each month until everyone had won a set.  I won the fall fat quarters and decided to use my Square Root quilt pattern to make a fall table runner. 

I had it quilted a long time ago and finally got it bound last week.

The 16 Square Root blocks in this runner are all different and the back is made with leftover strips I had from the fat quarters.  I used up every last inch of those fabrics.

I am donating this runner to the Dollhouse Festival, as well (see this post).  
If you're in the area in late September you should check it out.  They have a really fun boutique and silent auction.  I got a lot of fun things there last year like my thread cabinet, gift cards, hair bows, magnets, plus a bunch of other things.  And, it all goes to a great cause (proceeds go to the Children's Justice Center in Provo, Utah)!  It's open to the public on September 28th & 29th and is on the top floor of the Provo City Library. 

Have a wonderful Monday!
~ Amber

P.S. You can get the Square Root quilt pattern HERE.


  1. Your table runner is just beautiful. Just another reason why I love fall so much.

  2. Very cute and love the idea of a monthly fat quarter exchange!

  3. So Fall! Love the colors and the pattern. I should make one. :)

  4. It is just lovely. The colors are wonderful.

  5. Super pretty Amber! Love it! The Dollhouse festival sounds fun :)

  6. That's a fun idea about the fat quarter exchange. And yay for fall! :)


I ♥ to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment. I read each one and try to respond as often as I can. Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Amber