
Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm here...

 I really am.  

Yet, I'm struggling with how much to say here today.  There's a lot on my plate right now. I'm happy but my mind and body are all over the place.  I'm reflecting on different people and relationships in my life, how to prioritize my commitments and how to balance everything...all while trying to enjoy the ride!  It's just normal stuff, that all of us deal with.  So instead of whining to you I will share some happy pictures before heading off to soccer games and dinner making :) 

These are kits for crayon roll-ups that I will be making and donating to the Dollhouse Festival, an organization that raises money to help abused children in Utah County.  The boutique will be held at the Provo City Library September 26-28 for any Utah locals that want to support a good cause!  

The tutorial I used (and tweaked a bit) is from the blog, 
Skip To My Lou and can be found HERE.

Also, I betcha didn't know that I jumped on the Scrappy Trip bandwagon a month or two ago!  I think I'm probably the last one to do so but I'm having fun.  I've got 16 blocks so far.  My colors are kind of funky and I'm trying to decide if they are kind of Anthropology-funky or just a really big mistake :( 

The Scrappy Trip tutorial is from the blog, Quiltville 
and can be found HERE.

Yesterday I whipped up these half square triangles so I could test out a new pattern I'm working on. 

Check out my tutorial for squaring up HST's HERE.

And last but not least, I made two more Farmer's Wife blocks the other day.  I told you I would have 7 done by about this time.  But life got in the way and two is better than zero - so don't judge :)  It was a good thing I made that goal publicly otherwise I would probably be at the same place I was back HERE

Block #14 Butterfly at the Crossroads and #45 Grape Basket.
Two of my favorites.

Have a great day, enjoy the ride
and spend a little more time loving your dear ones.  
Life is fragile and can be gone before you know it.

~ Amber