Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for a brand new copy of Lori Holt's first book, Quilty Fun! She definitely has some big fans out there! I enjoyed hearing about your favorite blocks from Quilty Fun. My favorite blocks are the houses, I think. But they're all so much fun to make!
So the winner is Lani Glasser, who said, "My favorites are the houses and the trees." Lani, you lucky duck! I'm sending you an email. Let me know your mailing address and I'll get this sent right off to you. Congratulations and thanks to all of you for playing!
For those of you who have been sewing along with us and have uploaded your butterfly blocks to the Quilty Fun Sew Along Flickr Page, go check The Fat Quarter Shop's blog, The Jolly Jabber to see if you've won one of the other prizes! They're already posted along with this weeks block ~ the spools!
Happy quilting everyone!
~ Amber

Thanks so much Amber!