Hello and welcome to Part 2 of the Downunder Diversions road trip that I went on about 8 months ago. I know it seems like it's waaay after the fact. It is. But I just finished my Double D quilt in remembrance of that amazing trip and thought it was as good a time as any to show you how that quilt came to be - but first I have to tell you about the trip!
If you haven't read Part 1 yet, click HERE to read the general information about the trip as well as the first stop, Magnolia Market in Waco, TX. It was my favorite part of the entire trip!!!
Part 2 of this fantastic trip included two great fabric stores and the Pioneer Woman Mercantile.
The first stop was Cabbage Rose Quilting and Fabrics, located in Ft. Worth, TX. It's a quaint little shop filled with beautiful fabrics! The employees there made us feel special by doing giveaways and serving us a delicious lunch. We stayed for a few hours and had a wonderful time.
Any store that has white planked ceilings and rainbow bunting has my heart.
The second shop we stopped at was Oklahoma Quiltworks in Oklahoma City, OK. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures there (because I was too busy shopping!) But trust me when I say it was a fabulous store and you should go there if you ever get the chance!
Here's a horrible picture (taken in my hotel room that night) of my fun finds from the day!
It's a happy pile of fabrics if you ask me!
The next day we drove to Pawhuska, Oklahoma. Home of the Drummond Ranch - where Ree Drummond - the Pioneer Woman, blogger, cookbook author, host of a Food Network TV show and owner of the Pioneer Woman Mercantile lives!
As you can see Pawhuska was gorgeous. This is what my dreams are made of.
We continued on a bit further and stopped at the Pioneer Woman Mercantile for breakfast and shopping. What a treat it was!
So many things to choose from but I finally settled on Edna's Pancakes with 3 different syrups (orange flower, sea salted caramel and vanilla) and 3 kinds of butter! It did not disappoint! Getting to eat at the restaurant of a Food Network Star was amazing!
Then we shopped. And shopped. And shopped.
The store was huge and full of mostly kitchenware but lots of other fun stuff too!
I would've taken one of everything but only went home with a few things - two bracelets and a sweet little porcelain, floral trinket tray for myself and two Aztec clutches for gifts!
Look at that packaging! I die!
Well, it was a wonderful day at the Mercantile. I'd love to go back again.
Have you been? Any favorite menu items from the restaurant?
Thanks for stopping by today. Be sure to come back again soon to read Part 3 of the Downunder Diversions road trip - when we went to Hamilton, MO to visit the mothership of all quilt shops - Missouri Star Quilt Company!
Have a great day!
P.S. If you want information about upcoming Downunder Diversions road trips click HERE.
To read Part 1 of this Downunder Diversions road trip click HERE
To read Part 3 of this Downunder Diversions road trip click HERE
To read Part 4 of this Downunder Diversions road trip (the finished "Double D" quilt) click HERE.
P.S. If you want information about upcoming Downunder Diversions road trips click HERE.
To read Part 1 of this Downunder Diversions road trip click HERE
To read Part 3 of this Downunder Diversions road trip click HERE
To read Part 4 of this Downunder Diversions road trip (the finished "Double D" quilt) click HERE.

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