Scrappy United Quilt

Friday, January 3, 2025

 Hi friends!  Happy New Year!  I am so excited for 2025!  I love a fresh start and am looking forward to some fun things on the calendar this year!  I don't know if you've noticed but I now have an "Events" tab at the top of my blog with some of the said things on my calendar!  Check it out if you're looking for trunk shows, classes, and retreats you can do with me this year!

Today I want to share a quilt I started back in July of 2023.  
I just finished it last month and finally have some pictures to share!

This is my United quilt pattern and the third United quilt I've made.
Okay, I just realized that I never blogged about my other United quilts!  
I will have to make another post for those ASAP!  But here's the original United quilt. 
It has a great story...stay tuned.

01//14/25 Edit: I finally posted about my original United quilt!  Click HERE to check it out and hear the beautiful story of how many hands came together to create this quilt.  You can also check out the third United quilt HERE.

I really love the original quilt so much but I saw a scrappy version that one of my friends/pattern testers made and I was smitten!  Leah on Instagram made a darling low-volume background version that I couldn't stop thinking about.  Here's her finished quilt:

[Photo by Leah on Instagram]

With Leah's permission, I totally copied her!  Because I just loved it so much!

I made scrappy little flags whenever I had red and blue fabrics out.
United has 50 flags in the pattern - to represent the 50 states of course!

It also has 5 star blocks and 1 heart block for a little extra sweetness!

I used a red and white striped fabric for the binding and was absolutely in LOVE 
with the two-toned blue floral fabric I used for my back.

Jen Ostler quilted it for me with a really fun quilty star panto that was new to me.
It's called Starry Sawtooth by Melissa Kelley of Sew Shabby Quilting.  
I love how the quilting turned out!

Lots of fun fabrics were used!

The red and white wide-striped fabric below was from an old shirt of mine! 

These flag blocks are SO easy to make!  It will take you more time to decide 
which fabrics to use than to cut the fabric and make the blocks!

The quilt is pretty big!  It finishes at 78" x 87". 

I'm gonna give you a pro tip too!  It's awesome to do this pattern as a block exchange because then you don't have to buy so many different red and blue fabrics (if you want all of the flags to be different).  I did end up buying quite a few for mine because my red stash had gotten really low!

You can snag a paper or PDF version of this pattern HERE in my Etsy shop.

I'd love to hear what you think of this United quilt!
I'll try to do another post soon of my other United ones!

Happy quilting friends!


  1. Love this so much! Scrappy, low volume backgrounds are 👌 I have 3 graduation quilts to make this year for grandkids, but this is going on my “to do” list in June. So cool you used one of your own shirts in it!

  2. My top has been done since October! Just waiting to get it back from the quilter. And I totally copied Leah too!

  3. I did the Olie and Evie 2024 Flag block exchange x2 sets of blocks. I finished one quilt and I absolutely love it! Favorite quilt ever! I'm working on the second one now with a light background. p.s. My other favorite quilt is the Two Stars a Day by GiGi'sThimble.

    1. Aww this makes me so happy to hear all of this. Yes, the Olie and Evie Swap was awesome. So glad they hosted that!

  4. As a military x2 mom I love love LOVE this quilt. The flags look like postcards. I would have named it postcards from home🇺🇸❤️🙏


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