Happy Monday friends! Welcome to week 2 of the Skipper Quilt Along!
I hope you all had fun picking out and cutting your fabrics last week.
Here's the plan for this week:
Baby: make 4 blocks.
Throw: make 8 blocks.
Twin: make 16 blocks.
Queen: make 24 blocks.
I've broken down the number of blocks you need to make each week
into an amount divisible by 4 - since each strip set makes 4 blocks.
They're pretty quick and fun to make!
You'll find as you're making these blocks that you have some fun triangles left over. So I've got an idea! Instead of just discarding the leftover triangles, why not use them to make some other blocks!?! The easiest way to do this is after you sew your squares onto your strip segments (and before you trim them) sew one more seam 1/2" away from the first as shown below. The first seam (for the Skipper blocks) is the seam that goes from corner to corner. The second seam (for the other blocks) is the shorter seam that is closer to the outer corner of the block.
Then cut between the two seams leaving about a 1/4" seam allowance on each block.
Press the Skipper block as directed in the pattern and press the other
block (Half Square Triangle or HST) seams towards the bigger triangle.
Repeat on both ends of all the blocks and then trim the HST's to 3 3/4" each.
Sew together 4 HST's to make 1 Pinwheel block.
You'll get 2 Pinwheel blocks from each set of 4 Skipper Blocks.
The pinwheels will be going in opposite directions but they would be cute to mix together in a quilt or to break up into a couple of table runners!
Of course, if you don't want to deal with a second project, disregard these instructions and just move forward using the Skipper instructions!
Have fun making these blocks and be sure to post a picture of your first set on Instagram using the hashtag #skipperqal. I can't wait to see your blocks!!!
Happy quilting!

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